Friday 25 March 2011

"Express kan dirimu"

maaan, suka buat benda niy :)
online senyap senyap, harry potter-ing, bieber-ing and moooore.
but the tactic is you gotta watch out for the ustaz. heee :D
then, makan ice cream dengan Afiqah Aisyah kat kooperasi.
TIRAMITSU, i can't thinking about you. Will you marry me, tiramitsu?
apa lagi yeahh. and you know what, i just hate people tulis tulis ayat like this:
kew, owh, mnew, aq, thu, and all.
it's just too rempit. macam orang tak cukup huruf kat keyboard je!
please laa, especially orang orang kat maahad ni.
elok elok parents kasi nama sedap, dia tukar :|
ni contoh yeahh, jangan marah if your name is this one.
umm, hazira for example, than tetibe je tukar jadi, G-hah.
my god! tak ke jauh beza from sedap to not so sedap.
ada lagi, malas nak cerita.
you know what, this keyboard is soooo freaking make me ANGRY!!
cuz keras sesangattttt.
lagi satu, kat sini banyak orang, tak laa banyak sangat, yang suka BM.
it's not Bahasa Melayu laa tongoi, it's Bruno Mars :)
ntah pape, okay.
yeahh, i heard that fulan bin fulan call me other than my name.
in fact, that person call me "anak Sabri". okay?
i was like speechless. whyy?
for the one yang pandai sangat BI sampai tak tahu BM macam saya ni,
anak Sabri means, daughter of Sabri.
hoyeahh, mesti laa my father's name is Sabri. *for the one yang tak tahu
yeahh, result exam da keluar da ohh.
maaaaaaaan, first time in my entire life, i never got D!!
da laa, subject aku suka, macam mana bole dapat D?
geram betul ohh. guess what? English, i got D.
i just can't believe it. urghhhh!!
my fav subject, biasa laa. Arabic, i got A :)
happy gilaaa, the only subject that i can depend on to get A.
Sejarah pulak, i got B. bole tahan laa.
then, geografi and  KHB i got C if i'm not mistaken laa.
but all i know is, for this time, i got 1A, 1B and 1D
the others, i'm not sure yet.
okay laa you guys. bye tongoi :)

-anak Sabri-