ada teacher Hayati and cikgu Asma, AWESOOOME.
at first, conductor kita orang kak syahira.
then, tukar to hafiz.
after a few days later, sumer form 3 keluar from that choral speaking.
we were like, nak masuk, masuk je laa.
nak keluar, please, you welcome to!
FINE, now tinggal form 1 and 2 je.
we can still survive without them laa.
i was sooo freaking overdo cuz i'm the solo, dude!
my part is, i want to be a teacher but my parents want me to be a doctor.
and one mooore, arggghhh. i'm stress.
i worked my fingers to the bone to get success,
but i always back to square one.
and there's two guys named azwan and fariz.
they both likes to ejek ejek me.
my sebutan of but is like "bird".
that's for the british one.
hafiz asked me to use the american one.
the sebutan is some kind sounds like this "butt".
then, that two silly guys ejek ejek me bird.
i was like whatta? speechless.

finish in that BAB.
turn to the other bab, the performance in the auditorium, time majlis menghafaz al-Quran tuu.
at that time, selamat kita orang buat tepi je.
as the VIP are using the stage.
SELAMAT, and yet my lutut was shaking like heaven!
i dont know why. maybe like people said,
kalau buat performance depan orang yg kita tk kenal,
we're gonna do the BEST one.
kalau buat performance depan oran yg kita kenal,
we're gonna do it maybe the SUCKS one.
okaaay. finish! the other bab, the real competition.
OMG! bak kata orang pahang, sungguh ketorr.
but, hafiz said that we were the best among the best.
and we were like, bangga sebentar bersama KIT KAT :)
you know what, actually points kita orang 98.5%
but just because we're from SWASTA school, no chance.
REJECTED, and yeahh we got number 4.
the first one is Sultan Abu Bakar School.
yet, points dai orang 89.5, something like that.
urghhhhhh! geraaam gilaaa.
just cuz of 6 alphabets we lost the competition,
S.W.A.S.T.A. urghhhh!
the end :)