awesoooome gilaaaa :)
plan nak makan seafood, but kedai tk bukak,
mana tk nyaaa, hari ahad kann?
orang pun nak cuti jugak.
then, beli cake chocolate fudges.
then, bawak pergi maahad.
and keesokan harinyaaa.
simpan cake tuu dalam kooperasi.
next day tuu, birthday si tongoi tuu, syaBEEEEEEL.
then, makan sesama kat kelas.
kasi kat sumer form :)
form 1, kat banin and banat.
form 2, kat banat je, cuz tk cukup. ngeee!
form 3, at first nak kasi kat banat je.
pastu, akak form 3 kasi jugak kat banin.
then, there's a guy that i reaaaally not into him.
and that guy was like saying happy birthday to me.
and i was speechless gilaaa.
my speechless that i mean is not like sukaaa gila dia cakap that to me.
it's like, sooo tk suka dia cakap that to me.
urghhhh! i just hate him.